Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Anders's Homeschool Curriculum Reading List: 5 and Under

I keep this list partly for Anders's records and party for curious readers, but mainly because I hope it can serve as a helpful tool for other parents who struggle to find philosophically-sound material to share with their kids.

I also want to draw attention to the fact that a book is a conversation. The quality of our thinking (and the thinking of our children) will be directly related to the quality of the conversations in which we/they partake. If we value high quality, rational thinking, what we read to our children (and what we read ourselves) should be chosen with great care and attention.

I did not read any non-reality oriented books featuring anthropomorphic animals/plants/objects to my son until he was very clear about reality, around age 4. I highly recommend this practice. (Note that I did not try to overly control this--if we were at a friend's house or a library and Anders became very interested in a certain book and asked me to read it, then I would, and we would talk about it.)

At our house we talk a lot about health. We eat healthy food before we eat junk food and try to keep a good ratio of healthy to junky. Watching television is similar--we do watch television, but we know it isn't good for our brains, so we do brain exercises (workbooks) before we watch television. Just like with food as well, we also try to pick the Less Bad (documentaries) over the High Fructose Corn Syrup (cartoons). Anders never watched cartoons at all until he was 4 1/2 and expressed an interest after seeing them at a friend's house. Now on each full moon we watch a cartoon movie. (I show Anders 3 trailers, he picks.) Thus far, Anders has said he liked the cartoon movies, but hasn't cared about them very much, and they have not become big parts of his life. Neither has TV. He does love his documentaries, but most days we don't watch it.

These are not rules that we follow blindly at all times, but our general customs, so that we feel good.

Books in red are the best.
Books in blue I highly recommend.
Books in light blue I recommend.
Books in black were good enough to make it into my son's library.
Book in gray I did read to Anders but did not like or do not recommend.
*I have reviewed many of these books on Goodreads.com, click here to read my reviews.

Aesop: Aesop's Fables
Alcott, Louisa May: Little Men
Allen JP and Marci Winters: Giraffe Juice: The Magic of Making Life Wonderful
Andry, Andrew C. and Steven Schepp: How Babies are Made

Bauer, John (illustrated by): Swedish Folk Tales
Baum, L. Frank: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Barton, Byron: The Little Red Hen
Bennet, Grace Irene: Diddle Daddle Duckling
Berger, Melvin: Switch on, Switch Off
Berger, Melvin: Spinning Spiders
Beskow, Elsa: Pelle's New Suit
Bishop, Gavin: The Three Little Pigs
Blake, Robert: Togo
Blaisdell, Bob: Favorite Greek Myths
Boyack, Connor: The Tuttle Twins and the Creature from Jekyll Island
Boyack, Connor: The Tuttle Twins and the Food Truck Fiasco
Boyack, Connor: The Tuttle Twins and the Miraculous Pencil
Boyack, Connor: The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law
Boyack, Connor: The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom
Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker: Energy Makes Things Happen
Branley, Franklyn M.: Day Light, Night Light 
Branley, Franklyn M.: Down Comes the Rain
Branley, Franklyn M.: Earthquakes
Branley, Franklyn M.: Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll  
Branley, Franklyn M.: Gravity is a Mystery
Branley, Franklyn M.: Sunshine Makes the Seasons
Branley, Franklyn M.: The Moon Seems to Change
Branley, Franklyn M.: Volcanoes
Branley, Franklyn M.: What Makes Day and Night 
Brett, Jan: The 3 Little Dassies
Breslin, Theresa: An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Folk and Fairy Tales
Buckley, James Jr.: Who Was Milton Hershey?
Burgan, Michael: Who Is Richard Branson?
Burnett, Frances Hodgson: A Little Princess
Burnett, Frances Hodgson: The Secret Garden
Burns, Marilyn: Spaghetti and Meatballs for All!
Burns, Marilyn: The Greedy Triangle

Church, Lisa: Ballet Stories
Craig-Gaddis, Lora: Elsie & Pooka Stories of the Sabbats and Seasons: Yule & Imbolc
Cressy, Can You Find It
Crowther, Ruth: Manly Manners

D'Aulaire, Ingri:  D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths
D'Aulaire, Ingri: D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths
D'Aulaire, Ingri: Children of the Northlights
D'Aulaire, Ingri: Leif the Lucky
Dahl, Roald: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Dahle, Borge: Smajutuls in the Winter Mountain
Demuth, Patricia Brennan: Who Was Bill Gates
Dewan, Ted: Crispin and the 3 Little Piglets
Dorros, Atrhur: Ant Cities
Dorros, Atrhur: Feel the Wind
Downard, Barry: The Little Red Hen
Duke, Kate: Archaeologists Dig for Clues
Duvoisin, Roger: Petunia
Drummond, Ree: Charlie the Ranch Dog

Emberly, Ed: Make a World
Espeland, Pamela: Dude, That's Rude!
Evert, Lori: The Christmas Wish

Forest, Heather: The Little Red Hen

Galdone, Paul: The Little Red Hen
Gay, Marie-Louise: Three Little Pigs
Geist, Ken: The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark
George, Jean Craighead: Everglades
Gipson, Fred: Old Yeller
Grim, The Brothers: Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales
Grahame, Kenneth: The Wind in the Willows

Haas, Nicole: Freedom Bee
Heller, Ruth: Animals Born Alive and Well
Heller, Ruth: Chickens Aren't the Only Ones
Heller, Ruth: How to Hide a Butterfly
Heller, Ruth: Plants That Never Ever Bloom
Heller, Ruth: The Reason for a Flower
Hooks, William H.: The Three Little Pigs and the Fox
Hughes, Catherine D. and National Geographic Kids: Little Kids First Big Book of Space
Hughes, Shirley: Bathwater's Hot

Iggulden, Conn: The Dangerous Book for Boys

Jenkins, Emily and G. Brian Karas: Lemonade in Winter: A Book About Two Kids Counting Money

Kellogg, Steven: The Three Little Pigs
Kellogg, Steven: The Mysterious Tadpole
Ketteman, Helen: The Three Little Gators
Kimmel, Eric A.: The Three Little Tamales
Kimmel, Eric A: The Hero Beowulf
Kipling, Rudyard: Just So Stories
Kipling, Rudyard: The Jungle Book
Kiyosaki, Robert: Escape the Rat Race: Learn How Money Works and Become a Rich Kid
Krimms, Simon: Rollerdog
Kunhardt, Edith: Pompeii: Buried Alive!

Laird, Donivee: The Three Little Hawaiian Pigs and the Magic Shark
Langley, Andrew: You Wouldn't Want to be a Viking Explorer
Lauber, Patricia: Be a Friend to Trees
Lenski, Lois: The Little Train
Lewis, C.S.: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Lindman, Maj: Flicka, Ricka, Dicka Go To Market
London, Jack: Call of the Wild
Love, Sandrine and Mohammad Naser, The Adventures of Andrew Price
Lowell, Susan: The Three Little Javelinas
Lunge-Larson, Lise: The Troll With No Heart in His Body and Other Tales of Trolls from Norway

Macaulay, David: Jet Plane: How It Works
Maestro, Marco and Giulio Maestro, What Do You Hear When Cows Sing?
Marshall, James: The Three Little Pigs
Macaulay, David: Castle
Macaulay, David: Castle: How It Works
Macaulay, David: City
Macaulay, David: How Machines Work
Macaulay, David: Mill
Macaulay, David: Pyramid
MacKenzie, Donald A.: Scottish Fairy Tales
MacLachlan, Patricia: Sarah, Plain and Tall
McFadden: Deanna: Robinson Crusoe
McNamara, Margaret: The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot
McQueen, Lucinda: The Little Red Hen
McPhail, David: The Party
Messner, Kate and Christopher Silas Neal: Over and Under the Snow
Miles, Betty: The Three Little Pigs
Milne, A.A.: Winnie-the-Pooh
Milne, A.A.: The House At Pooh Corner
Moeller, Joy and Samantha Weaver: Tucker the Tongue Finds His Spot
Montgomery, Lucy Maud: Anne of Green Gables
Moser, Barry The Three Little Pigs
Mura, David: Tools
Murawski, Darlyne and National Geographic Kids: Ultimate Bug-opedia

Nesbo, Jo: Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder

Olmstead, Kathleen: Oliver Twist
Orwell, George: Animal Farm

Parish, Peggy: Amelia Bedelia Helps Out
Pichon, Liz: The Three Horrid Little Pigs
Pinkney, Jerry: The Little Red Hen
Pollack, Pam and Meg Belviso: Who Was Steve Jobs
Professor, Baby: Alexander the Great

Rawls, Wilson: Where the Red Fern Grows
Reiser, Lynn: Margaret and Margarita
RexMichael: My Fire Engine
Roberts, Tom: The Three Little Pigs
Ross, Dev: The Three Little Pigs
Rounds, Glen: Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf
Rubin, Vicky: The Three Swingin' Pigs
RylantCynthia: Henry and Mudge

Salinas, Bobbi: The Three Little Pigs
Sciff, Irwin: How an Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't
Schwartz, Corey: The Three Ninja Pigs
Sharmat, Marjaroie Weinman: Nate the Great
Sharmat, Marjaroie Weinman: Nate the Great Goes Undercover
Sharmat, Marjaroie Weinman: Nate the Great and the Lost List
Sharmat, Marjaroie Weinman: Nate the Great and the Phony Clue
Sharmat, Marjaroie Weinman: Nate the Great and the Sticky Case
Sharmat, Marjaroie Weinman:  Nate the Great and the Missing Key
Sharmat, Marjaroie Weinman:  Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail
Sharmat, Marjaroie Weinman:  Nate the Great and the Musical Note
Sharmat, Marjaroie Weinman:  Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt
Showers, Paul: Hear Your Heart
Sidney, Margaret: Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
Sloane, Eric: A Reverence for Wood
Sloane, Eric: Diary of an Early American Boy
Sloane, Eric: Do's and Don's of Yesteryear: A Treasury of Early American Folk Wisdom
Smith, Patrick: Cockpit Confidential: Everything You Need to Know About Air Travel: Questions, Answers...
Smith, Philip: Irish Fairy Tales
Sobol, Donald J: Encyclopedia Brown
Sobol, Donald J: Encyclopedia Brown Carries On
Sobol, Donald J: Encyclopedia Brown Cracks the Case
Sobol, Donald J: Encyclopedia Brown Saves the Day
Sobol, Donald J: Encyclopedia Brown, Super Sleuth
Speedy Publishing: Fastest Animals of the World
Standiford, Natalie: The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto
Stevenson, James: Could Be Worse!
Snorri, Sturluson: The Prose Edda
Sutcliff, Rosemary: Black Ships Before Troy
Sutcliff, Rosemary: The Wanderings of Odysseus

Tait, Chris: Treasure Island
Teague, Mark: The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf
Titus, Eve: Anatole
Twain, Mark: The Prince and the Pauper

Viorst, Judith: Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday

Weisner, David: The Three Pigs
Wilder, Laura Ingles: A Little House Traveler: Writings from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Journeys Across America
Wilder, Laura Ingles: Little House in the Big Woods
Wilder, Laura Ingles: Little House on the Prarie
Wilder, Laura Ingles: On the Banks of Plum Creek
Wilder, Laura Ingles: By The Shores of Silver Lake
Wilder, Laura Ingles: The Long Winter
Wilder, Laura Ingles: Little Town on the Prarie
Wilder, Laura Ingles: These Happy Golden Years
Wilder, Laura Ingles: The First Four Years
Wilder, Laura Ingles: Farmer Boy
Wilkes, Maria D.: Little House in Brookfield
Winterberg, Phillipp: Am I small? Soy Pequena?
Wright, Thomas: The Fisherman's Catch
Wyss, Johann: The Swiss Family Robinson

Zamorsky, Tania: Pinocchio
Zamorsky, Tania: The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
Zemach, Margot: The Three Little Pigs
Ziefert, Harriet: The Three Little Pigs

BOB Books for learning to read
Kumon Workbook Series 
Kumon Thinking Skills Workbook Series

Audubon Guides
Brain Strain
Montessori Counting Board by GrashopperAps 
Montessori Matching by GrashopperAps
Montessori Numbers by L'Escapadou
Montessori Writing Wizard by L'Escapadou
Montessori Crosswords by L'Escapadou

Ted Ed
WranglerStar YouTube Show--wonderful values to impart along with his homesteading tutorials
Anders has also watched many YouTube videos his father about water systems, plumbing, and composting.
Anders has watched many YouTube videos with me about nutrition, Iceland, vikings, and castles.

Animal Planet: Insane Pools 
BBC: Dinosaur Planet
BBC: Walking With Dinosaurs
Discovery: Man, Woman, Wild (episodes about Central America)
Discovery: Naked and Afraid (The Jungle Curse, and other episodes about Central America)
Discovery: When We Left Earth (Project Mercury)
HGTV - Building Hawaii
HGTV - House Hunters: Off The Grid
History: Specials (The Real Story of Thanksgiving, Secret Access: Airforce One,  The White House: Behind Closed Doors, Weird Warfare, Scammed, 101 Inventions That Changed the World, What People Earn: Beer, Knives, Football; What People Earn: Baseball Bats & Cowboy Hats, History's Most Extreme Airports, Weapons That Changed the World, Invisible)
National Geographic: Creatures of the Deep Collection (episodes on topics he was interested in)
National Geographic: Explorer (Secret History of Gold, Lost Cities of the Amazon, T.Rex Walks Again)
National Geographic: Kids Really Wild Animals (Animal Builders)
National Geographic: Known Universe: Construction Zone
National Geographic: Live Free or Die
National Geographic: Most Amazing (episodes on topics he was interested in)
National Geographic: Specials (episodes on topics he was interested in)
National Geographic: Survive the Tribe (episode about the rain forest)
National Geographic: Taboo (episode about cock fighting)
National Geographic: Wild (Eternal Enemies, episodes on topics he was interested in)

PBS: First Peoples: Europe
PBS: Inside Animal Minds (episodes on topics he was interested in)
PBS: Nature (episodes on topics he was interested in)
PBS: Nova (Vikings Unearthed)
PBS: The Mind of a Chef (episodes about Faviken)
Travel: Hotel Amazon
Unknown Network DVD Set: On Duty Firefighters

A Cow's Life 
Bears by DisneyNature
An Original Duckumentary 
Fabulous Frogs 
I Am In Space (Anders didn't like this one)
IMAX Hubble
King Corn: You Are What You Eat
Little Hard Hats: Farm Country Ahead
Little Hard Hats: Fire & Rescue
Little Hard Hats: House Construction Ahead
Little Hard Hats: Road Construction Ahead
Little Hard Hats: Where the Garbage Goes
March of the Penguins
More Than Honey
Oceans by DisneyNature
The Crimson Wing by DisneyNature
Turtle: The Incredible Journey

Anne of Green Gables
Sleeping Beauty 
The Peanuts Movie

*We watch fiction movies on full moons. We watch them once, not over and over.

Autry Museum of the American West
J. Paul Getty Museum of Art
Los Angeles Zoo
Los Angeles Auto Show
Peterson Automotive Museum
*Going to work with Papa

*Visiting the workplaces of various family friends

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