Anders's Education
August 2018 - July 2019
Legal Grade: First Grade
Age: 6.75-7.75
We generally do his work right after breakfast. We work for anywhere from ninety minutes to four hours. We usually read for an hour before bed. We
do his work generally four or five days a week, skipping whichever days are the days we
have a lot going on. We do only thirty to ninety minutes of work each day during
the summer when he has camps and during the months we are at the farm in
Though legally this was considered first grade, Anders was done with first grade in early January so we moved on to second grade. He finished that over the summer.
Though legally this was considered first grade, Anders was done with first grade in early January so we moved on to second grade. He finished that over the summer.
Anything in red I highly recommend.
Anything in blue I recommend.
Anything in light blue is fine, but I wouldn't mind finding something
Anything in purple I recommend,
but should have done it earlier.
Anything in gray Anders or/and I do not recommend.
Anything in black I have not yet concluded what I think of
Anything in bold is
in his current work pile.
Was read Escape the Rat Race by Robert Kiyosaki
Was read How an Economy
Grows and Why It Doesn't by
Irwin A. Schiff
Was read The Tuttle Twins and the Miraculous Pencil
Was read The Tuttle Twins and the Creature from Jekyll Island
Was read The Tuttle Twins and the Food Truck Fiasco
Was read The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law
Was read The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom
Was read The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas
Was read The Tuttle
Twins and the Golden Rule by Connor Boyack
Was read The Tuttle Twins and their Spectacular Show Business by Connor Boyack
Was read Let's Chat
About Economics by Michelle A Balconi
Was read Striker Jones
by Maggie Larche
Was read Striker Jones
and the Midnight Archer by Maggie Larche
Was read Do I Need
it? Or Do I want it? Making Budget Choices by Jennifer Larson
Watched YouTube: Small
Business Revolution - Season One (8 episodes)
Watched YouTube: 15 Things Poor People Do That The Rich
Watched YouTube: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Elon Musk
Watched YouTube: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Jeff Bezos
Watched YouTube: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Mark
Watched BizKids season
1, episodes 1-5/13
Was read You Look Great, but How Do You Sound? by Dr. June Johnson
TypeKids.Com, Lessons 1-9/30
Went on 16 auditions and 4 callbacks
Shot 2 commercials and 2 television
Took acting classes (private
coaching sessions before auditions)
Learned about net worth as his
parents updated his net worth in his financial binder, went to bank, paid
taxes, filed for his tax return, cashed checks, and bought investments for him
Went to Dad's office
Life Skills
Was read Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction is Hijacking Our Kids – And How to
Break the Trance by Nicholas Kardaras
Was read How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor
Was read selections from The Milk Book
Cooked with mom
-I consider the things listed under physical development and
fine arts to also be life skills.
-Many of the
books we read this year were books we also read last year and the year before.
Sometimes that is because Anders requests them. Other times that is because a
week before his birthday, I sit down at his bookshelf and pull out all the
books I thought had important ideas in them that I would like to read to Anders
again, and I add them to the "to read" pile that sits next to my bed.
-I don't like the Tuttle
Twins and the Golden Rule because it gives kids ideas on how to be mean.
Most of the books that purportedly teach kids not to bully do this. They give a dozen
hilarious ways to bully and then have everyone make up at the end. Research has
shown that these books are more harmful than helpful.
-Initially I liked that Anders wanted to do acting because
of the auditioning aspect. Learning to get in front of strangers and pitch is
an invaluable business and life skill. I have noticed an additional benefit:
acting has made Anders aware of small personal habits (like rubbing his nose
when he is nervous) that he has to be aware of and learn to control. Seven is a great age to break bad habits.
-After getting to Lesson 9 in Type Kids, Anders said he
didn't want to do it anymore. I said that was fine, but I needed to ask him a
few things to help him clarify his thoughts before he quit to make sure he was
quitting consciously and not impulsively. I asked him if typing is a useful
thing to know how to do, he said it was. I said that just because something is
useful doesn't mean you have to learn it. There are plenty of useful things that I don't
know how to do. "Do you want to learn how to type? " I asked. He said
he did. I said something along the lines of, "Even if you want to learn how to type, you don't have to
learn it now. You can learn it later. You might enjoy learning it later. The
risk is that you may accidentally teach yourself to type in the meantime by
chicken scratching, and then you will have a frustrating habit to break. Instead
of learning to type you will have to re-learn. Remember re-learning how to
pronounce the "s" sound? It will be kind of like that. Doable, but
definitely a drawback to consider." Anders decided not to quit and
instead went to doing TypeKids once a month.
KravMaga (KmX, then KmX Advanced, then Level 1 (for kids 8
and up))
Hip Hop at Dance For Kids
Fencing at Avant Garde
Gymnastics camp at Jag Gym
Soccer Camp
Hockey at Toyota Center (level I, then II, then III)
Hockey Camps and clinics
Ballroom Dance Camp
Tennis lessons
Riding lessons
Watched YouTube: "5th year boys ballet exam in Bolshoi Ballet
-Anders is crazy about hockey.
Kumon program, third grade level, pages 1-170/200
Kumon program, second grade level,
pages 150-200/200 (completed)
Mad Minute workbook, completed levels A 1-6 and B 1-6
Was read A Fair Bear Share (Math Start) by Stuart
J. Murphy
Was read Animals on Board (Math Start level 2) by
Stuart J. Murphy
Was read and
did Anno's Math Games by Mitsumasa
Was read Betcha! (Math Start) by Stuart J. Murphy
Was read Divide and Ride (Math Start) by Stuart
J. Murphy
Was read Elevator Magic (Math Start) by Stuart J.
Was read Get up and Go (Math Start) by Stuart J.
Was read Give Me Half (Math Start) by Stuart J.
Was read More or Less (Math Start) by Stuart J.
Was read Multiplying
Menace by Pam Calvert
Was read Once Upon a
Dime by Nancy Kelly Allen
Was read Room for Ripley (Math Start) by Stuart
J. Murphy
Was read The Grapes of Math by Greg Tang
Was read Shark Swimathon (Math Start) by Stuart
J. Murphy
Was read Swirl by Swirl by Joyce Sidman
-Anders loves the Mad Minute workbook so much he gets
excited when it is time to do it. It's a game for him. It has substantially
improved his accuracy, focus, and speed.
-Anders achieved gold honor roll status at Kumon in December and
then radically slowed down his pace there. Doing Mad Minutes made him realize
that Kumon was passing him with a lower level of mastery than he wanted for
himself. He took control of his Kumon level, refusing to be passed into the
next level at Kumon until he could pass that level in Mad Minute as well. For
example, he could have finished level C a while ago, but he insisted on staying
in multiplication, repeating the same pages over and over, until he could do
thirty multiplication problems in one minute (what is required to pass that Mad
Minute level). This took him three months of extra daily work, but he
accomplished it and was very proud of himself. Now he is on division and is
doing the same thing. Kumon would willingly move him to the next level, but he
won't do it.
Analogies, Level 1/Grades 2-3 (completed)
Analogies, Beginner/Grades K-1 (completed)
Analogies for Beginners
Games: IQ XOXO (completed)
Games: IQ Focus (completed)
Tests for NNAT2, Grade 1, Level B (completed)
and Talented OLSAT Test Prep, Grade 2 (completed
Was read Don't Get Fooled: How to Analyze Claims... (Beginner chapters
Was read: Awesome Jokes that Every 6-Year-Old Should
Know by Mat Waugh
Was read: Awesome Jokes that Every 7-Year-Old Should
Know by Mat Waugh
Did puzzles
Attended chess club
-Anders loves trying to catch logical fallacies. His best
catch was at one of my OBGYN appointments while I was pregnant. Anders and I
were waiting in the doctor's office. The doctor and midwife came into the room in
the middle of a conversation. The doctor said, "It's like someone accuses
someone of doing something wrong, and the other guy is just like, 'He did it
too!'" Anders nodded his head, and said, "Tu quoque." The doctor
looked at him for a moment, annoyed that a kid had interrupted him and said,
"What?" Anders said, "Tu quoque. It's a logical fallacy. It
means, 'You too.'" The doctor said, "Tu quoque?" And Anders
said, "It's in Latin. I means 'you too.'" The doctor broke into an big
smile, and said, "That's amazing! You're amazing! Where do you go to
Well Trained Mind, Level 2
Mad Libs: Happily Ever After
-The Well Trained Mind program is excellent. It's kind of
boring to memorize things, yes, but once you have those things memorized it
gets fun. I kept telling Anders this, so he has stuck with it. Towards the end
of level 2 he was given a short story that he had to go through word-by-word
and say what kind of word each word was (article, adjective, noun adverb, verb,
etc). He got super excited. He loved it. Next year he will start diagramming
sentences, and I am super curious to see if grammar becomes one of his favorite
-Whenever Well Trained Mind assigned poem memorization I
offered Anders other (better) poems. He memorized only one from Well Trained
Mind which was "I Love You Well."
Poems that he did instead were "Be Glad Your Nose Is on Your
Face," "I Walked a Mile with Pleasure," "Don't You
Quit," and his favorite, "Invictus."
Daily Academic Vocabulary, Grade 2 (completed)
Vocabulary for the Gifted Student, Grade 1 (completed)
Sequential Spelling, level 1, Grade 2 (lessons 1-25/180)
Spelling Workout A (completed)
-I am still looking for a good vocabulary program.
-Spelling Workout was terrible. Anders has learned more in
his first 25 days of Sequential Spelling than he did all year in Spelling
Workout. I didn't start with Sequential Spelling because level 1 is meant for
kids in grades 2-5. I figured Spelling Workout A would be a nice warm up. It
wasn't. With Henrik I will skip having a spelling program for 1st grade entirely.
Read McGuffey's Eclectic Primer 1920 edition (completed)
Read McGuffey's First Eclectic Reader 1920 edition (completed)
Read McGuffey's Second Eclectic Reader 1920 edition (completed)
Daily Reading Comprehension, Grade 2 (completed)
Read Mustang by
Leslie McGuire (Hooked on Phonics)
Read Meet the Dinotrux
(Passport to Reading Level 1)
Read What Do You hear
When Cows Sing (I Can Read Level 1)
Read Clark the Shark
(I Can Read Level 1)
Read Henry and Mudge (Ready to Read Level 2)
Read Amelia Bedelia (I
Can Read Level 2)
Read Amelia Bedelia
Goes Camping (I Can Read Level 2)
Read Amelia Bedelia
and the Baby (I Can Read Level 2)
Read Days with Frog and Toad (I Can Read Level 2, atos level 2.5)
Read Frog and Toad All Year (I Can Read Level 2, atos level 2.6)
Read Frog and Toad are Friends (I Can Read Level 2, atos level 2.9)
Read Frog and Toad Together (I Can Read Level 2, atos level 2.9)
Read The Bravest Dog
Ever: The True Story of Balto (I Can Read Level 3, atos level 2.5)
Read Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin (atos level 2.8)
Read Diary of a Spider (atos level
Read Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion (atos level 3.1)
Read No Roses for Harry by Gene Zion (atos level 3.2)
Read The Little Engine that Could (atos level 3.5)
Read Happy Birthday Bad Kitty (atos level 3.6)
Read Bad Kitty Meets the Baby (atos level 3.6)
Read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (atos level 5.5)
Read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (atos level
Read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (atos level
Read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (atos level 6.8)
Read Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (atos level
Read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (atos level 7.2)
Read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (atos level 6.9)
Was read The Frogs Who Begged for a Tsar by Ivan Krylov
Was read Charlie the Ranch Dog
Was read The Christmas
Was read The Night
Before Christmas
Was read The Night Before Reason
*Please see other sections for titles of other books he was
read, especially history.
-Anders had his "Oh my gosh I can read" moment
right around his seventh birthday. He had been able to read for a long time,
but something clicked right then, and suddenly it was amazing to him, and he
spent long hours going through all the books in his room and reading them. Then
he asked if he could read Harry Potter because his friends were talking about
it. I bought him the first book, and he tried to read it. He got through one
chapter laboriously, but it was slow going and difficult. I explained to
him it required a reading level of five, and though he could read, his reading
level was one. He became interested in becoming a better reader, so
he could read Potter. I bought him books to grow his reading level, paying
close attention to the difficulty level. Once he hit level 3.6 he decided to
try Harry Potter again and found it challenging, but a doable. He read a Harry Potter book every week or two for the following seven weeks.
-I finally read Anders The
Night Before Christmas this year, which he was not impressed with. I then
read him The Night Before Reason (a
pdf file I got from the internet) and he enjoyed that a lot more. Anders still
plays Santa/Odin at our house. He prefers to be the one who gets up at night and fills
the stockings and surprises Mom and Dad. This works well for me, as I love
-Daily Reading comprehension is a terrible book that offers
tests with no real learning. Reading Detective is much better.
Zaner Bloser
Handwriting: 2ed Grade Manuscript (pages 1-89/109)
Zaner Bloser Handwriting: 1st Grade (completed)
of Rome to the Norman Conquest)
Was read The History of the Medieval World
by Bauer (completed)
Was read Story of the
World, Volume II: The Middle Ages (pages 1-139)
Referred to maps constantly in The New Penguin Atlas of Medieval History
Was read Elsie & Pooka: Stories of the Sabbats and
Seasons: Spring
Was read Elsie & Pooka: Stories of the Sabbats and
Seasons: Winter
Was read Prince
Siddhartha: The Story of Buddha
Was read Buddhist
Animal Wisdom Stories
Was read Classic Bible
Stories for Jewish Children
Was read Jewish Fairy
Tales and Legends
Was read The World
Jesus Knew
Was read slections from The Triumph of Christianity by Bart
Was read Catholic Book
of Bible Stories
Was read Goodnight Stories from the Life of the
Prophet Muhammad
Was read Goodnight Stories from the Quran
Watched YouTube: Jesephus
on Jesus
Watched YouTube: Causes
of the Jewish War Against the Romans
Watched YouTube: The
Ancient Romans and Jews (The Jewish War Revolt)
Watched YouTube: The
Jewish Revolt Against Rome
Watched YouTube: The
Jewish uprising against the Romans at Masada Full Documentary
Watched YouTube: CNN
Presents - After Jesus The First Christians (Narrated by Liam Neeson) Full
Watched YouTube: From
Jesus to Christ The First Christians
Watched YouTube: God
and Empire (Greeks, Romans, Jews)
Watched YouTube: Origin
of Christianity - The Piso Flavian Dynasty
Watched YouTube: The
Rise of Christianity and the Revolt against the Romans
Watched YouTube: History
Channel - Constantine the Great
Watched YouTube: History
Channel - The Deception of Constantine
Watched YouTube: Julian
the Apostate - A Short Biography
Watched YouTube: Best
Documentary 2016 HD How The Christianity was Established
Watched YouTube: Story
of Saint Benedict St. Benedict Stories of Saints for Kids...
Watched YouTube: Council
of Constantinople in under 3 minutes
Watched YouTube: A
Brief History of Saint Patrick
Watched YouTube: St.
Watched YouTube: In
Search of St Columba
Watched YouTube: Early
Christian Schisms - Ephesus, the Robber Council...
Watched YouTube: Legends
of The Isles Brendan The Navigator (Documentary)
Watched YouTube: Imperium
Romanum Theodosius I Documentary
Watched YouTube: Roman
Scandal 24 Persecution and Murder under Diocletian and Constantine
Watched YouTube: The
Tyrant Diocletian
Watched YouTube: Total
War History The Theodosian Walls
Watched YouTube: Attila
The Hun Who Were the Huns
Watched YouTube: Barbarians
- The Huns
Watched YouTube: Barbarians
Rising Attila, King of the Huns
Watched YouTube: Total
War Attila Historical Battle of Frigidus - Legendary
Watched YouTube: Merovech
Battles the Huns - yt
Watched YouTube: Battle
of the Catalaunian Plains 451 - Aetius vs. Attila
Watched YouTube: Decisive
Battles - Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (Chalons)
Watched YouTube: Decisive
Battles - Episode 8 - Chalons, 451 A.D.
Watched YouTube: Decisive
Battles E01 The Gothic Invasion Of Rome
Watched YouTube: History
Channel Barbarians The Goths
Watched YouTube: Barbarians
Rising Alaric and the Sack of Rome
Watched YouTube: Battle
of Allia and Sack of Rome – Rise of the Republic
Watched YouTube: Rome
The Rise and Fall of an Empire - Episode 8 Wrath of the G...
Watched YouTube: Rome
The Rise and Fall of an Empire - Episode 9 The Soldiers...
Watched YouTube: Rome
The Rise and Fall of an Empire - Episode 10 Constantine...
Watched YouTube: Rome
The Rise and Fall of an Empire - Episode 11 The Barbarian...
Watched YouTube: Rome
The Rise and Fall of an Empire - Episode 12 The Puppet Master (Documentary)
Watched YouTube: Catastrophe
- The Day the Sun Went Out
Watched YouTube: Catastrophe
- How the World Changed - Part 2 of 2
Watched YouTube: Disaster!-Krakatoa
Watched YouTube: Siege
of Rome 537-538 - Roman - Gothic War DOCUMENTARY
Watched YouTube: Barbarian
Invasion Historical Battle of Badon Hill (Very Hard)
Watched YouTube: Barbarians
- The Vandals
Watched YouTube: Leo
III Presentation
Watched YouTube: Islamic
conquest of Persia
Watched YouTube: The
Battle of Guadalete 711 AD
Watched YouTube: The
Battle of Tours 732 AD
Watched YouTube: The
Collapse of the Carolingian Empire - Echoes of History...
Watched YouTube: Why
did the Carolingian Frankish Empire Collapse
Was read The History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth
Was read Stories from English History by Alfred J Church (pages 1-88)
Was read A History of
Ancient Britain by Neil Oliver
Was read The Usborne
History Britain (pages 1-135)
Was read Britania: 100
Great Stories From British History (pages 1-71)
Was read The History
of Scotland for Children by Fiona Macdonald (pages 1-43)
Was read: The Silver Brach by Rosemary Sutcliff
Was read: The Lantern Bearers by Rosemary Sutcliff
Was read: D'Aulaires' Book of Trolls by Ingri and Edgar D'Aulaire
Was read selections from Ancient
Scandinavia: An Archaeological History from the First Humans to the Vikings
Was read D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths
Was read Peter and the North Wind by Freya Littledale
Was read Children of the Northlights by Ingri & Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
Was read Weland: Smith of the Gods by Ursula Synge
Was read Song of the Nibelungs by Margaret Armour and W B
Was read The Hero Beowulf (kids version)
Was read Beowulf by Gareth Hinds (comic version)
Was read Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney, illustrated version
Was read Stories of
Charlemagne by Jennifer Westwood
Was read Deeds of the
Saxons by Widukind of Corvey
Watched YouTube: The
Legend of Sigfrid - animated video
Watched YouTube: The
Anglo Saxon Invasion - History of Britain - BBC Documentary
Watched YouTube: Barbarians
- The Saxons
Was read The Saga of the Volsungs (with the Saga of Ragnar...) Crawford
Was read You Wouldn't
Want to Be a Viking Explorer!
Was read How to be a
Viking: A Northlander's Guide
Was read Saxo
Grammaticus: The History of the Danes, Books 1-7
Was read selections from Heimskringla by Snorri Sturluson
Watched YouTube: Lindisfarne
- An Age Born in Fire
Watched YouTube: Æthelstan The First King of the English
Watched YouTube: The
History of the Vikings in England (AD. 793-AD. 1066)
Watched YouTube: The
Vikings - Journeys and raids
Watched YouTube: How
The Vikings Conquered Europe: Documentary on Viking...
Watched Nova, season 8: Secrets
of the Viking Sword
Watched YouTube:
Vikings Voyages Wings of A Dragon (Viking Documentary)
Watched YouTube: The
Real Ragnar Lothbrok Vikings Documentary
Watched YouTube: Ragnar
Lothbrok The Legendary Viking (Viking History...)
Watched YouTube: The
Real Rollo & The Foundation of Normandy Vikings
Watched YouTube: Vikings Great Heathen Army - Battle of
Ashdown 871
Watched YouTube: The
Viking Invasion of England: The Great Heathen Army
Watched YouTube: Haakon
the Good King of Norway 934-961
Watched YouTube: Battle
of Maldon 991 - Historical Battles
Watched YouTube: Battle
of Svolder, 1000AD - A Viking Saga
Watched YouTube: Top
10 Toughest Viking Warriors
Watched YouTube: Edmund
Ironside The Last Warrior King of Wesex
Watched YouTube: The
Epic Battle Pope vs King
Attended the Vista Viking Festival
Attended the Jorvik Viking Festival
Visited Jorvik Viking Museum
Was read William the
Conqueror by Thomas Costain
Was read Castle by David Macaulay
-After a year of Greek gods, Anders wasn't phased at all by
the introduction of Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which I did one
right after the other.
-If Anders were a schooled kid, in Kindergarten and first
grade he would have learned: about national holidays, songs like “America the
Beautiful” that express American ideals, how to identify his state and country
on a map, that in the past people ate and dressed differently, that in other
countries people eat and dress differently, that there is a specialized
workforce and that he should start thinking of a dream job, and how to recognize
diversity because diversity is good. In second and third grade he would learn:
basic geography of the US and especially his state, how important his
government is, how great democracy is, how cultures change over time (prepping
him to want to change the culture/be liberal not conservative), and environmentalism.
-Until I started homeschooling Anders, my understanding of history
was completely disjointed. It wasn't a story, it was just events and interesting
clothes. Things make so much more sense now!
-Starting with the ancients and moving forward through time
makes difficult historical language normal and easy. Everything builds off of
everything else. When reading Beowulf a reference was made to Sigurd the
Dragonslayer, and Anders laughed and said, "I know all about him." He
did – because we had read the Song of the
Nibelungs. Shakespeare's Hamlet
is based on a story from Saxo Grammaticus, which Anders loved, so now he can't
wait to read Shakespeare's version, not to mention Julius Ceasar. We also noted while reading Beowulf that JRR Tolkien clearly used the dragon from Beowulf as the prototype for the dragon
in The Hobbit.
-When I was introduced to Shakespeare in sixth grade, it was
like a foreign language. Anders, having studied so much of what came before
Shakespeare, has already been introduced to a lot of the Shakespearean
-With Henrik I will read book 3 of Saxo Grammaticus (the
story of Hamlet) and skip the rest as Snori's Heimskringla is so much better.
Daily Science Workbook, Grade 1 (completed)
Daily Science Workbook, Grade 2 (completed)
Health / Medicine
Was read: Food in
History by Reay Tannahill
Was read: How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by R.
Was read selections from The Milk Book by Dr. William Campbell
Douglass II
Watched YouTube: The
Dangers of Sugar Documentary
Watched YouTube: Sugar...
the Truth
Watched YouTube: Science
for Kids - The Acid Inside My Stomach
Watched YouTube: This
is what our Stomach Acid can Burn Through
Watched YouTube: What
Sugar Does to Your Brain & Body
Watched YouTube: BBC`s panorama - videogame addiction - part
Watched YouTube: BBC`s panorama - videogame addiction - part
Watched YouTube: Life Noggin - The Science of Addiction
Watched BBC Life: Plants
Watched BBC Life: Primates
Was read Ant Cities (Let's
Read and Find Out Science)
Watched YouTube: Ants
Secret Power of the Nature BBC 2017 - The Best...
Watched YouTube: Sky
Hunters, The World of the Dragonfly - The Secrets of Nature
Watched Nova: Extreme
Animal Weapons
Watched Nature: Arctic
Wolf Pack
Watched Nature: A
Swuittel's Guide to Success
Watched Nature: Equus:
Story of the Horse
Watched Nature: Nature's
Miracle Orphans: Second Chances
Watched Nature: Nature's
Miracle Orphans: Wild Lessons
Watched Nature: Pets -
Wild at Heart: Secretive Creatures
Watched YouTube: Eagle
Documentary National Geographic Queen of the Skies
Watched YouTube: Nature
of the Cuckoo Duck - David Attenborough - BBC Wildlife
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: Ancient Earth 1: The Permian
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: Ancient Earth 2: The Triassic
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: Ancient Earth 3: The Cretaceous
Watched Wild America Season 12 Episode 4: The
First Ten Years
Watched Wild America Season 4 Episode 7: Snakedance
Watched Animal Encounters 1.1: Cats
Watched Animal Encounters 1.2: Elephants
Watched Animal Encounters 1.3: Sharks
Watched Animal Encounters 1.4: Monkeys
Watched Animal Encounters 1.5: Meerkats
Watched National Geographic: Amazing Animal Homes, How Animals Live
Took Robotics class at Asteme
Attended Destination Science Camp: Robots
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: Robot Revolution 1.1: Will Machines Surpass...
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: Robot Revolution 1.2: Robot Artist
Watched Nova 1.1: Battle
For the X-Planes
Watched Nova 1.2: Mars
Dead or Alive
Watched Nova 1.3: Hunt
for the Supertwister
Watched Nova 1.4: Welcome
to Mars
Watched Nova 1.5: The
Great Robot Race
Was read: How Machines
Work: Zoo Break by David Macaulay
Was read Be a Friend
to Trees by Patricia Lauber
Was read: Archaeologists
Dig for Clues (Let's Read and Find Out Science)
Watched YouTube: Radioactive
Forests NHK - Documentary. Fukushima Exposed
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: BBC Earth Power of the Planet 1: Volcano
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: BBC Earth Power of the Planet 2: Atmosphere
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: BBC Earth Power of the Planet 3: Ice
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: BBC Earth Power of the Planet 4: Oceans Watched Amazon's Curiosity
Stream: BBC Earth Power of the Planet 5:
Rare Earth
Watched YouTube: BBC
Planet earth - Caves
Watched Nova: Poisoned
Watched YouTube: Formation of a Pearl: Secret Life of Pearls
Watched YouTube: How
and Why Do Oysters Make Pearls
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: Hurricane: The Anatomy: Predicting the...
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: Hurricane: The Anatomy: Shaping the...
Watched Amazon's Curiosity Stream: Hurricane: The Anatomy: Winds of Change
Watched YouTube: The
Science of Lightning | National Geographic
-Anders reread all of his Let's Read and Find Out Science
books from last year on his own.
-I hadn't intended to use a science workbook, but in doing
analogies in his logic workbook, I realized that he could not succeed without
knowing whatever the standard useless national science curriculum is. I think it
is more important to know about plants and animals (especially bugs and
medicinal plants) that live naturally in your area than to know about giraffes
and elephants that you will never see outside a zoo. But because logic
workbooks expect every kid to know about giraffes and elephants... Anders is
now learning those things too.
Renaissance Fine Art (pastels green dot level/second level
out of four levels of pastels)
Piano & Voice at Cornerstone Music Academy
Lets Speak Spanish Club for Native Speakers
Anders spent 4 months in Nicaragua practicing Spanish all
day every day
"Everything is Awesome" from Lego Movie
"Everything's Not Awesome" from the Lego Movie
"The King of the Highlands" by Antti Martikainen
"Storms in Africa" by Enya
"Battle for Camelot" and the whole "Enter the
Realm" album by Tartalo
"Dust in the Wind," "Just Show Me How to
Love" and "Only an Ocean Away" by Sarah Brightman
"Queen of the Winter Night" by the Trans-Siberian
"The Very Best of Vivaldi" album by Capella
Anders almost never uses the ipad. When he does it is almost always to listen to audiobooks or music while playing Legos. His favorite audiobook is Animal
Farm. He occasionally listens to The Lord of the Rings and the Iliad.
When I asked Anders his favorite Ap, he said Minecraft -
which he plays once a year. He also loves Stop Motion. Other aps he uses
include a Montessori geography game, the piano, Jigsaw Puzzle, Rush Hour,
Chess, Monster Math, Math Drills, Drawing Pad, Meritum Paint, Mathtopia,
Lightbot. I can't remember the last time Anders has played any of these though.
He watched movies on plane rides and was exposed to various
movies at camps. We watched The Incredibles 2 and The Little Mermaid. Otherwise
we stuck to documentaries this year.
Bacon or beef jerky
Dried seaweed or carrots
An apple, an orange, or grapes
Sourdough crackers
I love these updates! I can’t believe how big he’s grown.
ReplyDeleteHe’s quite surpassed my history education and I took many upper level courses in college—it’s still a bunch of random disjointed stories for me, sadly.
I have a toddler (almost 15m) who’s very, very interested in books of all kinds and I have also noticed that she seems to really latch onto the conflict of the book rather than the resolution or ‘moral of the story.’ It reminded me of a study I read about screen time; one of the excuses for using it with babies and toddlers was that it “would teach them (liberal government approved) morals and different facts,” or something to that effect, WELL the children only really recalled the conflict. It’s interesting that this applies to books as well.
The book we were reading was about the potty and written in Spanish, when the baby was asked if she wanted to use a diaper, she responded with, “no queiro!” My girl actually learned to use a defiant “no!” from just that page and became very fixated for a few weeks. She had the book memorized and would preemptively answer “no!” Very interesting! She’s since learned to use “no” in a polite, matter of fact way (“would you like some water? “No.”) but it took a few weeks and I wasn’t quite prepared for such a young one to, on occasions, cry “no no no!”
Echoing another point, the elephants, lions, etc content drives me up a wall. It’s so hard to find RELEVANT content for children. Which is tragic because they so badly want to be apart of our world.
Thank you for all you do and share! You’re a great mom.
Link about the screen time
Thanks AMME!
DeleteInteresting about your toddler and picking up on conflict. That coincides with what I have read.
On finding relevant content for children: yes, sooooooo endlessly frustrating.
On media: I can't stand most fiction books, especially those written for children. They just don't offer honest information about life and what kinds of choices lead to what kinds of consequences. They are so often wish-fulfillment. And so often written by emotional intellectuals who don't understand business and endlessly make the useless intellectual the hero and the successful businessman the villain.
On screens: I think they are as bad for adults as they are for children. The book Glow Kids opens by telling the reader to surf the internet for thirty minutes and then try reading the book again. I did the experiment, and it was completely true for me. My ability to focus on reading (something I love doing!) after even five minutes on Twitter or Facebook is severely impaired. We have made the internet purposefully inconvenient to use at the farm so that we unplug while we are there, and we are so much happier! We do our best to stay in our actual lives in Los Angeles too, but it is a lot harder.
I am so thankful for all of this and how organized you are!! Now it seems a lot easier to plan for homeschooling my child. I wonder how do you search for the information to read/watch with your kids? Do you just randomly select something each day, or do you plan ahead and show him the options?
ReplyDeleteI am happy to hear that you are finding it useful!
DeleteMy favorite resources for finding the best curriculums are the book The Well Trained Mind, the website Cathy Duffy's Reviews, the book Books Children Love, reviews from people on, and recommendations from other parents in various Facebook parenting groups, but it is everything I read by Maria Montessori, brain development, and child psychology that informs what kinds of things I am looking for. I put hours upon hours into choosing curriculums, books, and documentaries - mostly in June, July, and August when Anders is in camp. Many times I order five or six curriculums and pour over them and then return five of them. I used to ask Anders if he had a preference, but he always deferred to my judgement, so now I just pick the basic curriculums and then just check in with a him a lot, asking what he is interested in and if he would like a class, camp, or documentary on anything specific. For the historical fiction we read I choose ten to twenty books from a given century and tell Anders about them and then ask him what he would like to read. Most of the time he just wants to read all of them!
With history and science documentaries I was much less choosey during last year. I would download a bunch and let Anders tell me if they are good or not. This year I have been watching the documentaries with Anders, so choosing them has become more work.
When Anders was younger we did not plan too far ahead. Now we plan the year over the summer and make goals and Anders signs off on the plan in August and then we do it. I'm not totally inflexible but I do strongly encourage Anders to complete goals he sets for himself. For example, whenever Kumon got hard I would ask him if he wanted to to quit. Now I only ask that in August.
This has been great! I have followed your blog on and off since my middle, of three sons, was born. He is around Anders age. While I don’t implement your ideas all the time or as well as you, I have tried through the years and done my best. This year I am using this and your kindergarten post to create a homeschooling plan I can feel good about with my “third” grader and my “pre k- k” son. Thank you! Thank you for being such a great mom and sharing it with us! I’m really looking forward to your future posts and what “third grade” looks like for Anders! Much appreciation- Nicole
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you! That just made my day :) Anytime you want to email me with your results, I would love to hear about it!
DeleteI love this! My baby is 14 months old so I am still a long way from this stage but I am already so excited to homeschool and exploring different ideas and ideals. I read your book when I was pregnant and it really articulated what I've always believed so strongly but only became really important to solidify when I was expecting my own child.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I've been bingeing your blog the past few days and I have to say you're absolutely brilliant, I really hope you keep producing content more often! I was more or less unschooled myself and as an adult I realize what an advantage that was and how different it makes me than most others my age. I remember my grandmother reading me pilgrim's progress in the original old english when I was 7 or 8 and it being absolutely fascinating to me. Now, I'm amazed when my nephews cant stay focused on even kids picture books at 6, much less chapter books, much less classics. But actually that is the norm for most kids, what people dont realize is, it doesnt have to be.
When I was 14 got really interested in the civil war and wrote a book a couple of inches thick full of research, original sources, etc. That was better than any blurb in a history book I might have read in school.
Those are just a couple of experiences that stand out to me. Also, I took my GED at 17 and passed all subjects with honors without studying, except for math which I did need to study for. I passed science with honors despite never having opened a science textbook. And today, I'm finding I much prefer studying things I am interested in on my own and only get frustrated with the system in college. So unschooling may not turn out the best college students but I am starting to wonder if that is really such a disadvantage or if its actually a blessing in disguise. I have been wondering about what higher learning would look like in an objectivist society where intrinsic motivation was never destroyed. I'm betting it would be very different from the current system.
Sorry to ramble, I just wanted to say I love your content and give a little of my perspective from an adult who was (mostly) raised this way.
Hi Ketzia,
DeleteThank you so much for sharing! I am super interested in hearing from unschooled adults! Did you end up going to college? What do you do for work? I have a 16 month old in addition to my 8 year old:)
I believe college is going to be around for a while yet--though I am curious to see if Trump's anti-college executive order will have any effect. The following is copied and pasted from a book review I wrote:
IQ is such a good predictor of an employee's value to a company that colleges had to fight it. Back in the 1960's IQ tests were making college obsolete. The era of educational institution dominance began in the 1960's when universities fought a huge battle to kill the idea that IQ was valid. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the fight against IQ tests went all the way to the supreme court. IQ tests were deemed "racist" and companies could no longer use them in the hiring process.
Colleges became the new IQ test.
Prior to 1960 Harvard was an elite old boys club for the well-off and well-connected, not a place for the highest achieving (highest IQ) students in any given generation. Universities dismantled the idea of IQ as a valid way for businesses to hire (even though the army and police forces still use them) and ... BECAME the IQ test because the reality is IQ is the single greatest predictor of how a given student will do.
You notice the brilliant scheme here? An 18-year-old with an IQ of 140 does not need an Ivy League diploma to be a valuable employee. But colleges prevented employers from being able to ask his IQ. Colleges, on the other hand, do find out the IQ of every applicant and admit them accordingly. So though, as an employer, I cannot ask the IQ of a given applicant, I can look at where he went to school. "He went to Harvard, great, IQ of 140, hire him."
Now a Harvard education takes the credit for the quality employee rather than the reality: he would have done well regardless. Today, the single greatest predictor of an applicant's IQ is ... where they went to college when in reality where they went to college is little more than an announcement of their IQ, the actual predicting trait the employer needs.
Genius scheme on the part of the universities.
Most people know university education is obsolete and they think it is on it's way out, but the reality is: until it is legal for employers to test for IQ, most employers will continue to value a college education in the hiring process because that IS the IQ test.
This is why for the last fifty years colleges have continued to preach - with crazier and crazier irrationality - that a person's IQ is all nurture and not nature and that IQ is "racist." Despite the fact that all evidence shows not only that IQ is not a racist concept, that it is a very good predictor of success, and that the best nurture in the world cannot raise someone's IQ by very much, colleges cannot allow the narrative to change.
Because to do so would make them obsolete.
** End book review
Do you know your IQ? Would you have done well regardless of how you were schooled or not schooled?
Thanks for sharing!
Very interesting questions! I do not know my IQ and I used to think I have done well IN SPITE of my upbringing but I am coming to think that it's rather BECAUSE OF it. I recently read the book "Educated" by Tara Westover and she has come to the conclusion that by some particular stoke of luck or genius she has succeeded in spite of having basically no formal education before college. However, I think she is looking at it all wrong, and that the reason she is so successful is attributable to the very upbringing that she believes was a handicap. What she learned as a kid was how to study and that set her up with a desire for learning that she might not have had given a traditional education...
DeleteI dont know if I would have done well in the public school system; if I am, as I believe, not exceptional, perhaps it would have succeeded very well in "dumbing me down" to the average. See, I think many people are intelligent enough to be very successful but have been indoctrinated to believe they belong in a very proscribed role in life and so they do not try to stray from it. A powerful government would naturally benefit from the low self estimation of its minions... be that as it may, I can't really say how I would have done in a different environment, perhaps better or worse or the same, but undoubtedly different-we are all more or less the products of our conditioning.
Anyway, sorry to ramble...I have not finished college yet. I am studying for nursing but have taken many breaks, most recently to focus on motherhood. I was a CNA 1 and worked with Alzheimers and hospice patients before I had my daughter but am a full time mom at the moment.
I missed this until today! So sorry for my late reply.
DeleteI also read Educated. I enjoyed it, but I found her buy-in to academia a little disturbing, like she traded one religion for another.
Thank you so much for sharing your story!
Yes I agree about Tara Westover, I think she was duped by everyone who praised her for being brilliant because she went to college with no "normal" education before that. It's not really that amazing. I personally think she had/has trauma that was never really dealt with which led her to see modern society and leftist ideals as some sort of savior for her. I've seen this happen to a lot of children from fundamentalist families (I came from a very fundamentalist Christian family myself.) Many times they swing as far away ideologically as they can from their upbringing because it is emotional for them, rather than rationally evaluating ideas.
DeleteHi Ketzia,
DeleteI am reading Anders (age 9) Pilgrim's Progress right now. He loves it. So do I!
Also, I recently read the book Skip College and think you may enjoy some of the chapters in it as well. The farther we head down this journey (and the creepier colleges get) the more I think it may not be necessary. Have you read my review of The Bell Curve? Here it is if you have not:
Someday (if you have the time) I would love to hear more about your upbringing and your religious journey. You could email me at
All the best,