Friday, September 24, 2021

The Inexpensive Way They Straighten Teeth in Poland

Update: Someone messaged me that these are called "vestibular plates" in English. I searched around and can only find them available in Europe.

I asked a Polish friend of mine with nice-looking teeth if she had braces. She said no, but she was given a special type of pacifier when she was 7 that fixed a massive overbite that she had. She says all the school children who need them are given these inexpensive, plastic devices when they are 7 and they do a fantastic job of preventing the need for braces later. I cannot find this device in the US -- or even what it would be called in English -- but here it is--

The Polish term for it translates to: nipple for teeth correction.

Anyone know anything more about this?


  1. I watched your interview with Lawful Rebel (Living Outside the Matrix Episode 146). As a former objectivist myself, I found it intriguing the changes you have made to your thinking and how you now want to join a collective with “12 capable men with guns.” Wranglerstar talked about this 12-capable-men concept in his YouTube video titled “Why I Left The Church” (link: Shortly thereafter in another video, he attributed his absence from YouTube to a bout of CONVID1984, which I believe he was targeted for his 12-capable-men video (just like German Dr. Andreas Noack was targeted for his maxxine razor blades video).
    I was about to respond to your vestibular plates post above by referring you to the work of Dr. Weston A. Price, but then reading through the rest of your blogs I see that you’re already on to it, so you must know that the WAPF diet helps proper dental arch development in children without requiring such props. I’d be curious to know what you think about how to create a self-sufficient ‘WAPF farm’ which supplies 100% of the Nourishing Traditions pregnancy diet. I believe the primary purpose of farming should be to support of human fertility.
    On another matter, I think an intellectual type such as you will find the links below interesting as the information contained therein has much relevance to the work you are doing on your website.
    Keep up the good work. Cheers!

    1. Hi,

      Please email me and tell me more about yourself! My husband was a flat-earther for a few years so I am familiar with it. Having an amazing farm is easy--if you have a group. Protecting what your produce from being stolen is the hard part, but again, not as hard if you have a group.


  2. In your interview, you talked about the Amish and the Hutterites, two groups I’ve been studying intensively for the last 3 months. I agree with you that they seem to have innovated a successful and adaptive model for survival for the last 300 – 500 years or so. I don’t know how much longer they can resist the temptations of the Industrial Revolution and the effects on their future generations.

    I see many people right now struggling with this question of survival models on various platforms (like the Lawful Rebel; I also mentioned Wranglerstar as a prominent example). Successful collectives such as the Amish or Hutterite colonies, or even the much more recent Homestead Heritage (started in the Seventies and now with several such collectives worldwide) seem to boil down to a fundamentalist religious belief in a “be fruitful and multiply” and “be ye separate” agrarian lifestyle of the type propounded by people like Howard B. King. South Africa’s Orania collective looks like it is based on the same principles. There are no other quite so successful intentional communities as far as my research goes. However, what they all lack is a real “12 capable men” militia setup, which is of course dangerous in current year. They also don’t seem to aspire to a WAPF ideal (what Dr. Price described in the film footage of his travels as the “splendid” human) as a primary objective of their existence, or even believe that such ideal is justifiable by their religious standards (just as militia force would be justifiable).

    ‘The Survivalist Gardener’ Rick Austin has very good ideas; a kind of one-man-in-the-mountains-versus-zombie-collapse model for protecting your produce from the marauders. He says that your normal row-cropping farm and large herds/flocks are a dead giveaway; instead one should use the permaculture ‘ food forest’ style and small livestock as camouflage. He also has various one-man defense systems which are very creative. He’s got 3 books on the subject. Look him up on YouTube if you haven’t already. Also check out Fukuoka’s ‘One Straw Revolution’ and Kimura’s ‘Miracle Apples’, both of which have other excellent ideas for resilient farming.

    Regarding Flat Earth, this is one of the most astonishing revelations I have come across (together with Dr. Stefan Lanka’s and Dr. Tom Cowan’s work disproving germ theory and virology). Eric Dubay’s research on the topic appears quite well founded, but there are so many other detractors making the same claims to Flat Earth to be wary of. Rob Skiba (also on YouTube) also did some wonderful modern day experiments on the subject, but now he’s dead from CONVID1984 of course.
    What is astonishing in all these topics is how even an ‘Objectivist’ person can build an existence that is nowhere near based on objective reality. That’s why the change of mind you described in your interview with Lawful Rebel caught my attention.

